A globally-competitive work force

A globally-competitive work force with theoretical, as well as hands-on, education must be trained. In addition to the areas of science, engineering, microelectronics and packaging, this training must encompass the broader areas of business, economics, ethics, foreign culture and languages.

Association for Promoting Electronics Technology - IMAPS Romania

APTE, The Association for Promoting Electronics Technology is IMAPS Romania and has currently 88 members. APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques (UPB-CETTI) together with highly respected members of the electronics industry, in order to support the electronics packaging education and engineering, in a climate of trust, ethics, and social responsibility. APTE/ IMAPS Romania organizes annually important technical and scientific events, two of the most important being TIE (tie.ro) and SIITME (siitme.ro), international events with large participation. Go to their webpages for additional details!

e-Learning material

Fedora Electronic Lab
Fedora`s Electronic Lab is dedicated to support the innovation and development brought by opensource Electronic Design Automation (EDA) community.

Virtual electronics packaging laboratory

Introduction to Electronic Packaging
An IEEE-PRC Supported Web-Based Course
N.J. Rao and G. Ananda Rao
CEDT, Indian Institute of Science

Virtual Laboratory for Electronics Packaging Technology

SensEdu - Expand your knowledge in Sensor Technologies and Applications

ElectronicSystems Cost Modeling Laboratory
CALCE Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engeneering


APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, UPB-CETTI, and highly respected members of electronics industry, to promote the electronics packaging education.