Proiectul vizează furnizarea de servicii de digitalizare și inovare a IMM-urilor/ APL-urilor (primării și consilii locale), în vederea eficientizării proceselor desfășurate prin transformarea digitală impusă de evoluția tehnologiilor informaționale, multimedia și de comunicație.
Regiunile de dezvoltare din România în care se implementează proiectul sunt Regiunea Sud Muntenia și Regiunea București-Ilfov. Oferta APTE de digitalizare si consultanta tehnologica din cadrul proiectul Wallachia eHUB (WEH) poate fi accesata aici
The APTE President, Professor DHC Paul SVASTA Phd. was awarded the 2021 IEEE EPS DAvid Feldman Outstanding Contribution Award for promoting and implementing Eletronic Packaging in Europe and establishing a functional networking bridge from Academia to Industry.
During the Student Scientific Communications Session 2020 organized by the Department of Electronics Technology and Reliability from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest, APTE representatives were present and decided to support the next generation of engineers by awarding the young students according to the following criteria:
- 20% - Quality of the presentation (slide support) and of the speech (technical language + knowledge through the answers to the questions)
- 50% - Degree of innovation and complexity of the project (hardware + software + wireless telecommunications) - reported at the student level (if undergraduate or master, if the work was done entirely by the student with the facilities provided by the Faculty)
- 20% - Project maturity level - (Technology Readiness Level (TRL))
- 10% - Economic analysis of the project - market/development potential in a startup
The projects awarded with "APTE Special Award" are (in no special order):
- Egalizor și atenuator telecomandat pentru mixere audio analogice (Remote controlled equalizer and attenuator for analog audio mixers) developed by student Cătălin-Gabriel NICOLAE under coordonation of Lecturer Cristina Marghescu Phd. and Lecturer Robert Dobre PhD.
- Temporizator programabil prin conexiune Bluetooth pentru controlul unor consumatori dintr-un apartament (Programmable Bluetooth timer for controlling some consumers) developed by student Denisa-Gabriela BĂLAN under coordonation of Associate Professor Andrei Drumea and Assistant Professor Alina-Elena Marcu
- Proiectarea unui sistem de comandă și control al unui dozator automat de pastile (Design of a command and control system for an automatic pill dispenser) developed by students Andreea DUMITRAȘCU, Daniela-Mihaela PAVEL and Nicolae ELISEI under coordonation of Assistant Professor Mădălin Moise
The above Special Awards students receive a diploma for their engineering contribution and a cash prize.
The projects awarded with "APTE Special Mention" are:
- Driver de ghidaj inteligent al vehiculelor de 8kW ( 8kW Inteligent guided vehicle driver) developed by student Iulian-Cosmin VISTIAN under coordonation of Profesor Norocel CODREANU and Eng. George Casaru from Technosoft International
The above Special Mention students receive a diploma for their engineering contribution.
All awarded students together with their coordinating professors are granted a free of charge submission and participation to the IEEE 26th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME2020) -
APTE congratulates all participant to this year online edition of TEF-SCSS.

The organising committee of SIITME 2019 kindly invites you to submit an abstract/paper to the 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME). The scientific event will take place in Cluj-Napoca, on October 23rd–26th, 2019. Web page:
Interested authors are invited to submit a two-page abstract according to the template, as MS-Word document, Version 97 or later, and as PDF document, using the SIITME Conference Management System.
Papers meeting the quality criteria will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and Thomson-Reuters ISI-CPCI. Abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the international Scientific Committee.
1. Each abstract will be reviewed on: – suitability for one of the topics of the conference – scientific content and level, and the relevance of presented results; – correspondence with the abstract template, English usage and grammar.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full-length conference paper according to the conference paper template. 2. Papers meeting the following criteria will be published in the Conference Proceedings and will be available through IEEE Xplore: – the comments of the reviewers have been taken into consideration; – originality of the paper[1] is given; – it corresponds with the paper template, English usage and grammar are correct, – signed IEEE copyright form has been submitted.
A. Emerging Technologies & Trends in Advanced Packaging, Microsystems, Heterointegration, Printed Electronics, Smart Textiles, Healthcare B. Components, Assembling, and Manufacturing Technology C. Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems D. Electronics Simulation & Modelling E. Electronics Applications: Optoelectronics, Advanced Communication, Automotive, Aerospace and Power Electronics F. Applied Reliability G. Challenges in Global Education
General Chair: Paul SVASTA, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania General Academic Co-Chair: Dan PITICĂ, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania General Industrial Co-Chair: Marian Petrescu, Continental Automotive, Iasi
Conference Chair: Mihaela Hnatiuc, Constanta Maritime University, Romania
Conference Co-Chair: Cosmin MOISA, Continental Automotive, Timisoara, Romania
Technical Program Chair: Detlef BONFERT, Fraunhofer EMFT, Münich, Germany Technical Program Co-Chair: Norocel CODREANU, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania
Awards Committee Chair: Heinz WOHLRABE, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Scientific Committee Chair: Balázs ILLÉS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
The conference fee includes the opening ceremony and welcome reception, full access to all technical (oral and poster) sessions, exhibition area, all meals (breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners), three nights accommodation, printed abstracts proceedings, conference proceedings on memory stick, conference kit (conference bag, badge, booklet, pen, and other related objects), and participation to the cultural programme.
Tel: 0040 213169633 / 0040 214024638 Fax: 0040 213169634 E-mail:
Correspondence address: Splaiul Independentei 313 06042, Bucharest, Romania
Every year the best PCB CAD designer students from the area of the Central European Hu&Ro IEEE-EPS Chapter get together to match their skills against each other, as well as, with the rapidly developing computer aided design techniques.
The innovative Electronics Interconnection Technology Design (TIE) one day hands-on real-time competition is really an unrivalled Component Packaging and Manufacturing Technology event in Europe, the best for undergraduates in electronics. The event comprises a day of workshops and another day of competition in the organization of CETTI of Politehnica University of Bucharest, the IEEE-CPMT Romanian Student Branch and the Hu&Ro Chapters, as well as, lots of sponsors who are interested in skilled designers for the European industry.
The workshops include lectures and discussions by professionals with the intention to give students insight into the practicalities of the outside world. Not only the competitors but other industrial engineers, scientists and professors attend the workshops.
On the second day the workshops are followed by the excellent student competition. Each undergraduate student competitor has to carry out a circuit design and layout project within four hours, under high time pressure. The design requirements are defined to the student competitors just before the competition begins. Each student is provided with a computer with a suite of design software and a high definition color screen. The students are required to develop a parts library, create component footprints, create a schematic and complete a layout. The adjudication is by small teams of experienced CAD designers plus anyone else who wishes to intervene, thus having a fully transparent process.
Some 50 students (both female and male) participate in the competition and year by year they display impressive skills. The prizes to the top three are financial scholarships to support their ongoing education. All the funds are received from sponsors. IEEE-CPMT offers free student membership for the winner.
The 20th TIE will be the third opportunity for a Hungarian group of students and me to attend this unique event. In the first occasion, the 28th TIE 2009 was organized in Galati, Romania, where - in addition to the interesting workshops and the exciting competition - we enjoyed the warm hospitality of the professors and students of the Universitatea Dunarea de Jos, as well as, the nice panorama of the city along the bank of the unthinkably wide Danube. Last year, in 2010, it was our pleasure to visit the beautiful cultural capital of Transylvania, where our old friends, the team of Professor Dan Pitica from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca hosted the competition. The most popular for ever competition was completed by an interesting excursion to the exceptional salt mine of Turda.
This year we are looking forward to participating in the jubilee 20th anniversary competition of TIE in Bucharest and to meeting our best friends and colleagues from CETTI of Politehnica University of Bucharest, headed by Professor Paul Svasta, the ever enthusiastic researcher and educator in the field of electronics design and packaging technology.
Zsolt Illyefalvi-Vitéz
dr.techn (BME), CSc/PhD (MTA/BME), DHC (UPB)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Department of Electronics Technology (ETT)
Goldman t. 3, Budapest, Hungary, 1111
E-mail: Tel: +36 1 463 2753 Fax: +36 1 463-4118
The first annual Occam Prize International Design Competition has begun accepting registrations from circuit designers from around the world. Cash prizes totaling $5,000 will be awarded to top designers in the inaugural year of the planned annual competition.
The purpose of the competition is to incentivize circuit designers everywhere to explore for themselves the prospective benefits associated with the Occam Process, a method for manufacturing electronic assemblies without solder to prospectively make them smaller, lighter, more reliable, more environmentally friendly and much less expensive. It has been estimated by the developers that if all electronics were to be fabricated side stepping the solder assembly process, billions of dollars, perhaps into double digits could be saved annually on a global basis.
Veteran PCB designer Darren Smith, president of AthenaTech, demonstrated the efficacy of the Occam Design and Assembly Process by taking an assembly he had previously designed and redesigning it. Using the approach prescribed for Occam assemblies, Smith was able to take the assembly to less than half the size of the original while reducing layer count from 12 to 6.
For those wishing to better understand the Occam Process, Joe Fjelstad's eBook, “Solderless Assembly for Electronics – The SAFE Approach," is available for free download.
The Occam Prize is awarded annually on December 21, Winter Solstice, the day the Northern Hemisphere begins to transition from days of darkness to days of light. Registrations open on August 14, 2019 and will close on November 30, 2019.
Sponsors presently include: AthenaTech - USA, CETTI - Romania, I-Connect007 - USA, MEPTEC - USA, Micropress - Brazil, Promex Industries - USA, Rainbow Technologies - Scotland, Verdant Electronics - USA, Tatsuta - Japan, Topline Industries - USA, Terecircuits - USA, UP Media - USA, and Zero Defects - USA.
Details about the Occam Prize and how to register can be found on the Occam Prize website
PCB Design 007, an international recognized USA publication published the following article about TIE 2017 event.
The entire article can be read at:
During the last week in April, the 26th Interconnection Techniques in Electronics (TIE) show was held at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi, Romaina, a wonderful hill town not unlike Rome. The event, a convention for the Romanian electronic packaging community, included a series of actions designed to draw smart young students to the electronics industry, which is clearly growing.
As usual, TIE drew representatives from the educational community in Romania (university and pre-university education), as well as members of Romania’s electronics industry and political leaders. TIE 2017 included two contests that focused on PCB design. The so-called “traditional TIE” contest brought together 38 students from 13 universities. All students, undergrads and post-grads, were ranked in the top three in their respective classes.
Participants had only four hours to create this PCB design, which was generated by a team of professionals from Continental Automotive Romania Timisoara, consisting of electronics engineers, PCB designers and thermal designers. Also assisting was TIE Industrial Co-Chair Cristian Gordan of Autoliv Romania. The design was imported into a PCB design CAD system by an expert with Microchip Technology Romania. This was validated by Prof. Norocel Codreanu of the Politehnica University of Bucharest.
The contest was designed so that its solution leads to a combination of rigid and flexible PCBs.
This year also marked the second edition of the TIE Plus contest, which welcomes doctoral students and post-docs within up to five years after obtaining a doctorate, in addition to undergraduate and master’s students. TIE Plus addresses signal and power integrity and is the concept of Dr. Catalin Negrea, under the aegis of Continental Automotive Romania Timisoara. This year’s contest focused on power integrity. The subject was developed by another team from the TIE Industrial Committee, composed of lead coordinator Dr. Catalin Negrea and Manole Manafu, both from Continental. Evaluation of the solutions was provided by Alain Michel of ANSYS France and Danilo Di Febo of CST AG Italy.
In addition to the two primary contests, two workshops were held—one technical and the other dedicated to the human resources in the electronic industry.
Within the technical workshop, Prof. Dan Pitică and engineer Cosmin Moisa of Continental, addressed topical issues in the field of simulation of interconnection structures, thermal management or design of PCBs whose components are assembled using the pin-in-paste technique. This class highlighted the importance of integrator projects in the education of undergraduate students as "Best Practice" in universities. This type of project requires students to use the knowledge gained in previous semesters. The project basically goes through the stages of manufacturing of an electronic product, from the design phase to the production phase, and then passes through the test phase. In addition, students are asked to become accustomed to the concept of "milestone & delivery." The curriculum has reached from entry level to the high end of electronic packaging, hopefully whetting industry`s appetite for the fruits of collaboration with the academic environment.
Source: PCBDesign007 -
The Association for Promoting Electronic Technology (Asociația pentru Promovarea Tehnologiei Electronice, APTE), the management entity of the Electronic Innovation Cluster - ELINCLUS, has organised together with MIELE Tehnica Brașov, CONTINENTAL Automotive, Constanța Maritime University and Politehnica University of Bucharest - CETTI on the 26th October 2017 in Constanța the Workshop: „Parteneriatul Strategic pentru Educație".
Download the Workshop Agenda [RO]
The Association for Promoting Electronic Technology (Asociatia pentru Promovarea Tehnologiei Electronice, APTE), the management entity of the Electronic Innovation Cluster - ELINCLUS, organizes together with CONTINENTAL Automotive Timisoara and Texas Instruments, the industry's first comprehensive analog curriculum workshop which pairs theory and applied lab exercises.
The Workshop was held on the 25th October 2018 at Hotel Unirea, Iasi, Romania by Texas Instruments specialists.
The agenda, trainers info and general description of the workshop can be downloaded here. [PDF]
The workshop is aimed at engineers, industry specialists or industry enthusiasts interested in analog electronics trends and applied theory applications.
 Prof. Dr. Eng. Paul Svasta |
The Association for Promoting Electronics Technology has currently 88 members. APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, UPB-CETTI, and highly respected members of electronics industry, to sustain the electronics packaging education, in a climate of trust, ethics and social responsibility.
A globally-competitive work force with theoretical, as well as hands-on, education must be trained. In addition to the areas of science, engineering, microelectronics and packaging, this training must encompass the broader areas of business, economics, ethics, foreign culture and languages.
Our vision is to support developments on both these fronts which will benefit the microelectronics industry today and in the future.
The Association for Promoting Electronics Technology has currently 88 members. APTE was founded in 2002, by the Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques, UPB-CETTI, and highly respected members of electronics industry, to sustain the electronics packaging education, in a climate of trust, ethics and social responsibility.
In addition to the areas of science, engineering, microelectronics and packaging, the training encompass the broader areas of business, economics.
APTE offers annually a comprehensive set of short courses on electronic packaging technologies, standards training and certification, management, industrial organization, designed to serve the needs of electronic industry. Apte is organizing and sponsoring annually International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packages and TIE Students Professional Contest.